Krisztina has worked in the Care sector over 20 years. She started her care journey from a young Care Assistant and made her way up the ranks as an effective and skillful leader in the Care sector. As the Operations Manager, Krisztina oversee the efficient and effective delivery of the organization's care services, focusing on strategic planning, resource management, and operational performance. She also ensure service quality, optimize processes, and drive business growth, managing multiple branches of the organization.
Over 20 years of Healthcare experience as a Registered Nurse, Vilma worked in various areas in the NHS hospitals as a staff nurse to being a charge nurse in neuro to rehabilitation wards. As the Registered Manager, Vilma is responsible for the day-to-day management and regulatory compliance of the care service. She also ensure high-quality, person-centered care is delivered, manage staff, and maintain effective communication with service users, families, and external agencies.
Lead Coordinator
Care Planning Coordinator
Scheduling Coordinator
Scheduling Coordinator
Suffolk Care Management Team
Deputy Manager
Care Coordinator
Scheduling Coordinator
Care Planning Coordinator
Cambridge Team
Suffolk Team
As the company's frontliners, we recognize the compassion, hard work and commitment of our staff providing our high quality care and support services
Jessebel is a kind-hearted and bubbly staff who always gives smiles and sunshine to the faces of clients according to service users she supports.
A motivated and dedicated staff who always go beyond what she is tasked to do although there's already a lot on her hands hence, she was promoted to be a Care Planning Coordinator and a Team Leader.
A great addition to the team and always a team player hence we chose her to be the Employee for this year.
Jomar is a staff who always helps. He is patient and kind to service users he supports and always puts a smile on their faces.
Another product of the company's Sponsorship Scheme, he excels straight away and seem to know what he is doing from day1 and true enough, he exceeded expectation.
A great addition to the team and always a team player hence we chose him to be the Employee for this year.
Alvin, a product of the company's Sponsorship Programme has been a very strong addition to the team. His dedication to providing the best possible care to clients he visit is greatly appreciated. His passion and commitment to helping others and the team as a whole is evident in the way he interact with colleagues and clients and through compliments.
"We commend him for the outstanding care he provides and for being an invaluable asset to the company"...client compliment
Sujithlal or Sujith as we call him is a nice and humble carer. He always wear a smile on his face when he comes to the office to get supplies. As a newbie in care, He is also a natural and compassionate staff. Sujith always help out when we are short of staff and very reliable, hence he is the unanimous choice for this year's award
Petra is a serious but very efficient carer. Her attitude and dedication to clients she visits are excellent. She is also a no nonsense staff that just do the job and always on her bike going to her visits. There was once that she came in to the office wet from the rain and when asked why she didn't wear a coat and she replied "its only water".
Ernesto has been brilliant in every way. He is a very compassionate staff and always strive for excellence. For a staff who has never done care before, Ernesto is a natural and loved by all clients that he visits. He is also our mechanic and AA - breakdown assistance.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
We are open Monday to Friday between 9AM to 5PM. we operate on an on-call basis during out of office hours, weekends and bank holidays.
YES. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Yes, We provide our live-in services outside of our catchment areas. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
We provide light cleaning duties. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
This statement applies to Reliance Care Services Limited (referred to in this statement as ‘the Organisation’). The information included in the statement refers to the financial year 2024/2025].
The Organisation is controlled by a Board of Directors.
The labour supplied by the Organisation in pursuance of its operation is carried out in the United Kingdom.
The Organisation considers that modern slavery encompasses:
• Human trafficking;
• Forced work, through mental or physical threat;
• Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse;
• Being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property;
• Being physically constrained or having restrictions placed on freedom of movement.
The Organisation acknowledges its responsibilities in relation to tackling modern slavery and commits to complying with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Organisation understands that this requires an ongoing review of both its internal practices in relation to its labour force and, additionally, its supply chains.
The Organisation does not enter into business with any other organisation, in the United Kingdom or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to involve itself in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.
No labour provided to the Organisation in the pursuance of the provision of its own services is obtained by means of slavery or human trafficking. The Organisation strictly adheres to the minimum standards required in relation to its responsibilities under relevant employment legislation in the United Kingdom.
The Organisation considers its main exposure to the risk of slavery and human trafficking to exist in the provision of labour in a country where protection against breaches of human rights may be limited. In general, the Organisation considers its exposure to slavery/human trafficking to be relatively limited. Nonetheless, it has taken steps to ensure that such practices do not take place in its business nor the business of any organisation that supplies services to it.
The Organisation carries out due diligence processes in relation to ensuring slavery and/or human trafficking does not take place in its organisation, including conducting a review of the controls of its suppliers.
The Organisation has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with modern slavery.
In accordance with section 54(4) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Organisation has taken the necessary steps to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place:
The Organisation has set key performance indicators to measure its effectiveness in ensuring modern slavery is not taking place in the Organisation.
The Organisation has the following policies which further define its stance on modern slavery;
• Modern Slavery Policy
• Social Values Policy
• Human Rights and Deprivation of Liberty in Domiciliary Care (England) Policy
• Equal Opportunities Policy
The Organisation provides the following training to staff to effectively implement its stance on modern slavery:
• Induction Training and the introduction of the Modern Slavery Policy
This statement is made in pursuance of Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be reviewed for each financial year.
Signed: Edgar Allan De Vera
Director and Head of Operations
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